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Our Philosophy


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that beautifully prepare children for the future. At AMM, children learn to become keen problem identifiers, creative problem solvers, critical thinkers, and peacemakers. Our graduates become compassionate global citizens who have a strong sense of community, the need to give back, and the need to sustain the environment.

The Montessori approach emphasizes multi-cultural and interdisciplinary studies

there is no ceiling to what a child can do. In collaboration with the teacher all kinds and levels of learning take place maximizing the individual potential of the child in an environment that has a place for everyone. Multi-age groupings mean more group options respective to ability and interest. Because there is a wider program for varied levels, there are wider options for the child’s individual pace.

Because of the open-endedness of the Montessori environment,

which is strongly supported by the Montessori classroom.

Children appreciate a sense of order 

where older children and younger children can observe one another and interact. In this way, older children benefit from modeling the use of materials for younger children. Younger children are inspired and naturally internalize skills they observe. Knowledge and behaviour is thus passed from one level to another.

Children benefit by being in multi-age classrooms

is designed in attractive, age appropriate ways to maximize independent learning and spontaneous exploration on the part of the child.

The Montessori “prepared environment”

are devoted to promoting and facilitating learning for each child through discovery at a child’s own pace and learning style.

AMM teachers

Optimal learning is supported when teachers and the classroom environment support this natural curiosity.

Children are naturally curious and love to learn.

While Dr. Montessori developed her philosophy and approach in the early 1900’s, she was remarkably ahead of her time and indeed mapped out an approach to learning that is especially well suited to preparing children for success in the 21st Century. Learning at AMM is solidly grounded in the following beliefs about the child and optimal learning:

Absorbent Minds Montessori is an authentic Montessori school that proudly uses the methods and philosophy of Dr. Maria Montessori, an internationally known educator.